Become an FFNR Board Member
If you are interested in becoming a board member for Familiars Foster Network & Rescue, please review the FFNR mission and vision statement, as well as the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare and the Five Freedoms of the FFNR Foster Network PRIOR to submitting an application.
Please note that by submitting an application, you are agreeing to meet all expectations of the FFNR Board of Directors. If at any point you feel you cannot commit to these expectations, you will step down from your position.
Thank you for your interest in joining the FFNR mission.
Expectations and Responsibilities
As the highest leadership body of the organization, the FFNR board is responsible for:
Supporting the FFNR Mission and Vision
Understanding and adhering to the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare as well as the Five Freedoms of the Familiars Foster Network.
Attending and participating actively in regularly scheduled board meetings
Reviewing financial statements, evaluating long term financial strategies, assisting with future funding and capital funding activities
Working as part of a cohesive team with common goals and respecting and supporting majority decisions of the board
Sharing skills and expertise
Supporting and participating in FFNR committees, fundraisers, public events, and foster and volunteer appreciation events
Participating in effective organizational and strategic planning
Assisting with the recruitment of new board members
Directing all requests for information through the proper chain of command (through the Board President or Co-Executive Directors - not directly to FFNR volunteers.
Declaring any conflicts of interest as it pertains to their position on the Board and abstaining from voting when appropriate.
Not using the organization for personal advantage or that of friends or relatives.
Not discussing confidential proceedings of the board outside the confines of a board meeting.