The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare

Familiars Foster Network & Rescue is committed to upholding the most up to date animal welfare best practices and care standards. We base every decision on the following five freedoms of animal welfare. 

Our foster network will be provided with dishes, food, and any case specific supply needs.

Our foster network will be provided with blankets, beds, snuggle safes, and any case specific supply needs.

Our foster network will be provided with any case specific medications. We are committed to regularly evaluating the quality of life of our animals. 

For FFNR, this will come into play most when dealing with feral cats. Any truly feral cat will be appropriately placed.

All animals will be handled and treated with respect and compassion.

The Five Freedoms of the Familiars Foster Network

Because Familiars Foster Network & Rescue is a 100% foster-based rescue, creating and nurturing a solid foster network is vital to our mission. As part of our foster network, you can expect open communication, proper training, support, and understanding.

Our fosters will be provided with all necessary and case specific supplies needed to appropriately care for their foster case.

Fosters will be adequately trained for any case specific needs, including but not limited to:

•  Bottle/syringe feeding

•  Handling shy/semi-ferals

•  Administering medications

•  Administering vaccines

We will never pressure our fosters into taking on more cases than they feel comfortable with handling.

We will support our fosters and their right to take a break when needed.

We are open to all constructive criticism and productive feedback.